Alexander the GreatRead more
ApollinoRead more
Egyptian Canope Jar of Hapi, Late Period (XXVI-XXX Dynasty, 664-332 BCRead more
Renaissance Foliage PanelRead more
Seated Venus with SandalRead more
Camillo Pacetti (1758 – 1826) att., Vestal VirginRead more
Claude Michel Clodion (1738 – 1814) (circle), Resting DogRead more
Florentine , Abduction of Deianira by Nessus, 17th CenturyRead more
Giacomo & Giovanni Zoffoli (1731-1785 & 1745 – 1805), Venus ‘de Medici, Late 18th centuryRead more
Giacomo & Giovanni Zoffoli (1731-1785 & 1745-1805), Capitoline Flora, Late 18th CenturyRead more
Giacomo Colombo (Este 1663 – Naples 1713) , San Pasquale BaylonRead more
Lorenzo Cardelli (1733 – 1794) (att.), Rosso Antico TazzaRead more
Leonhard Kern (1588-1662) (Circle of), Orpheus losing Eurydice at the gates of the HadesRead more
Giovanni Della Robbia (1469 – 1529/30), Frame, Garland of fruits, Vegetables and FlowersRead more
Matteo Civitali (Lucca 1435 – 1501), VIRGIN AND CHILD, 1460-1480Read more
Archaistic Koré HeadRead more
Jan Engelbert Pompe (Anvers 1743 – 1810), Madonna & ChildRead more
Ancient Rome, first half of the 1st century , Torso of a Roman marble Silenus, Ancient Rome, first half of the 1st century A.D.Read more
Giovanni Zoffoli (1745-1805), Bronze of Marc-Aurèle riding a horseRead more
Guglielmo della Porta (c. 1500 - d. 1577) (circle of), Bust of a Roman GoddessRead more
Late Classical period - Hellenistic circa 4th- 3rd Century B.C. , Greek Funerary StelaRead more
After François Girardon (1628 – 1715), The Abduction of ProserpinaRead more